BMW Part Numbers: 67127302589, 67126934160, 67126934159, 67127298309, 67127345887
Febi Bilstein Part Number: 26495
Brand: Febi Bilstein Made in Germany
Warranty: 24 months
Internet: http://www.febi.com
Please Note: Bulky items will cost extra for freight and will be determined before your order is processed.
Pump Type Mono Pump
Voltage 12 V
Number of connectors 2
For the following vehicles
Vehicle Model year kW HP cc Design
1 (E81) 116 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 11.2008 - 12.2011 31672 116 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 116 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 11.2008 - 12.2011 31672 116 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 12.2011 17928 115 1596 Hatchback
1 (E81) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 12.2011 17928 115 1596 Hatchback
1 (E81) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 25488 122 1599 Hatchback
1 (E81) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 25488 122 1599 Hatchback
1 (E81) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 11.2008 - 12.2011 31671 122 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 11.2008 - 12.2011 31671 122 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 118 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 12.2011 22955 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 118 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 12.2011 22955 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 118 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 12.2011 22953 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 118 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 12.2011 22953 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 120 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 17931 163 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 120 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 22956 177 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 120 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 22956 177 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 30506 156 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 30506 156 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 32173 163 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 09.2012 22954 170 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 09.2012 22954 170 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 123 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 23432 204 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 123 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2011 23432 204 1995 Hatchback
1 (E81) 130 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 12.2011 31673 258 2996 Hatchback
1 (E81) 130 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 12.2011 31673 258 2996 Hatchback
1 (E81) 130 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 12.2011 18560 265 2996 Hatchback
1 (E81) 130 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 12.2011 18560 265 2996 Hatchback
1 (E87) 116 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2009 - 06.2011 58252 116 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 116 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2009 - 06.2011 58252 116 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 06.2011 58168 115 1596 Hatchback
1 (E87) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 06.2011 58168 115 1596 Hatchback
1 (E87) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2011 58169 122 1599 Hatchback
1 (E87) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2011 58169 122 1599 Hatchback
1 (E87) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2009 - 06.2011 58184 122 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 116 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2009 - 06.2011 58184 122 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 02.2007 58253 122 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 02.2007 58253 122 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58256 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58256 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 07.2004 - 02.2007 58185 129 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 07.2004 - 02.2007 58185 129 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2006 - 06.2011 58186 136 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2006 - 06.2011 58186 136 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 06.2011 58187 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 06.2011 58187 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 118 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 12.2007 59742 170 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 d
Engine Code: M47 D20 (204D4)
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 06.2011 58283 163 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 d
Engine Code: M47 D20 (204D4)
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 06.2011 58283 163 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58303 177 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58303 177 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 02.2007 58188 150 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 02.2007 58188 150 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58218 156 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58218 156 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58221 163 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58224 170 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 120 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58224 170 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 123 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58304 204 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 123 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58304 204 1995 Hatchback
1 (E87) 130 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58233 258 2996 Hatchback
1 (E87) 130 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 06.2011 58233 258 2996 Hatchback
1 (E87) 130 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 02.2007 58238 265 2996 Hatchback
1 (E87) 130 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 02.2007 58238 265 2996 Hatchback
1 (F20) 114 d 11.2012 - 06.2015 57464 95 1598 Hatchback
1 (F20) 114 i 07.2012 - 02.2015 55488 102 1598 Hatchback
1 (F20) 116 d 03.2012 - 02.2015 5335 116 1598 Hatchback
1 (F20) 116 d 07.2011 - 02.2015 10313 116 1995 Hatchback
1 (F20) 116 i 07.2011 - 02.2015 10311 136 1598 Hatchback
1 (F20) 118 d 07.2011 - 02.2015 10314 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (F20) 118 i 07.2015 - 06.2019 115121 136 1499 Hatchback
1 (F20) 118 i 03.2015 - 06.2015 110061 136 1598 Hatchback
1 (F20) 118 i 07.2011 - 02.2015 10312 170 1598 Hatchback
1 (F20) 120 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 C
More information 07.2011 - 06.2019 5334 163 1995 Hatchback
1 (F20) 120 d 07.2011 - 02.2015 10316 184 1995 Hatchback
1 (F20) 120 d xDrive 11.2012 - 02.2015 57466 184 1995 Hatchback
1 (F20) 120 i 03.2015 - 06.2016 110062 177 1598 Hatchback
1 (F20) 120 i 07.2016 - 06.2019 120240 184 1998 Hatchback
1 (F20) 125 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 D
More information 03.2012 - 06.2019 3513 211 1995 Hatchback
1 (F20) 125 d 03.2012 - 02.2015 16996 218 1995 Hatchback
1 (F20) 125 i 03.2012 - 11.2017 8282 218 1997 Hatchback
1 (F20) 125 i 03.2012 - 11.2017 100889 238 1997 Hatchback
1 (F20) 125 i 07.2016 - 06.2019 120242 224 1998 Hatchback
1 (F20) M 135 i 07.2012 - 02.2015 56734 320 2979 Hatchback
1 (F20) M 135 i xDrive 11.2012 - 02.2015 56735 320 2979 Hatchback
1 (F20) M 140 i 07.2016 - 06.2019 120244 340 2998 Hatchback
1 (F21) 114 d 07.2012 - 58360 95 1598 Hatchback
1 (F21) 114 i 12.2011 - 58336 102 1598 Hatchback
1 (F21) 116 d 12.2011 - 58364 116 1598 Hatchback
1 (F21) 116 d 01.2012 - 58365 116 1995 Hatchback
1 (F21) 116 i 12.2011 - 58344 136 1598 Hatchback
1 (F21) 118 d 12.2011 - 58369 143 1995 Hatchback
1 (F21) 118 i 07.2012 - 58355 170 1598 Hatchback
1 (F21) 120 d 07.2012 - 58373 184 1995 Hatchback
1 (F21) 120 d xDrive 02.2012 - 58374 184 1995 Hatchback
1 (F21) 125 d 12.2011 - 58375 211 1995 Hatchback
1 (F21) 125 d 12.2011 - 58376 218 1995 Hatchback
1 (F21) 125 i 12.2011 - 12.2019 58356 218 1997 Hatchback
1 (F21) 125 i 03.2013 - 100892 238 1997 Hatchback
1 (F21) M 135 i 12.2011 - 58358 320 2979 Hatchback
1 (F21) M 135 i xDrive 02.2012 - 58361 320 2979 Hatchback
1 Convertible (E88) 118 d 09.2008 - 12.2013 29943 143 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 118 d 09.2008 - 12.2013 29943 143 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 118 i 09.2008 - 12.2013 59274 136 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 118 i 03.2008 - 12.2013 25443 143 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 118 i 03.2008 - 12.2013 25443 143 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 120 d 03.2008 - 12.2013 25445 177 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 120 d 03.2008 - 12.2013 25445 177 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 120 d 03.2008 - 12.2013 55647 197 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 120 i 03.2008 - 12.2013 55639 156 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 120 i 03.2008 - 12.2013 55639 156 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 120 i 03.2008 - 12.2013 32174 163 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 120 i 12.2007 - 10.2013 24440 170 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 120 i 12.2007 - 10.2013 24440 170 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 123 d 09.2008 - 12.2013 29944 204 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 123 d 09.2008 - 12.2013 29944 204 1995 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 125 i 12.2007 - 10.2013 24441 218 2996 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 125 i 12.2007 - 10.2013 24441 218 2996 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 135 i 03.2008 - 10.2013 25444 306 2979 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 135 i 03.2008 - 10.2013 25444 306 2979 Convertible
1 Convertible (E88) 135 i 03.2008 - 12.2013 55640 326 2979 Convertible
1 Coupe (E82) 118 d 09.2009 - 10.2013 12272 136 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 118 d 09.2009 - 10.2013 32676 143 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 118 d 09.2009 - 10.2013 32676 143 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 120 d 09.2007 - 10.2013 23430 177 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 120 d 09.2007 - 10.2013 23430 177 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 120 i
Engine Code: N46 B20 B
More information 09.2009 - 10.2013 59307 156 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 120 i
Engine Code: N46 B20 B
More information 09.2009 - 10.2013 59307 156 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 120 i 10.2007 - 10.2013 32675 170 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 120 i 10.2007 - 10.2013 32675 170 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 123 d 10.2007 - 10.2013 23431 204 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 123 d 10.2007 - 10.2013 23431 204 1995 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 125 i 03.2008 - 10.2013 25442 218 2996 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 125 i 03.2008 - 10.2013 25442 218 2996 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 135 i 10.2007 - 10.2013 23429 306 2979 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 135 i 10.2007 - 10.2013 23429 306 2979 Coupe
1 Coupe (E82) 135 i 10.2007 - 10.2013 123155 326 2979 Coupe
2 Coupe (F22, F87) 220 d 10.2012 - 11.2014 58284 184 1995 Coupe
2 Coupe (F22, F87) 220 i 10.2013 - 58291 184 1997 Coupe
2 Coupe (F22, F87) 225 d 01.2014 - 100824 218 1995 Coupe
2 Coupe (F22, F87) 228 i 07.2014 - 105903 245 1997 Coupe
2 Coupe (F22, F87) M 235 i 10.2013 - 58294 326 2979 Coupe
3 (E90) 316 d 07.2009 - 12.2011 33386 116 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 316 d 07.2009 - 12.2011 33386 116 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 316 i 09.2005 - 10.2011 27555 115 1596 Sedan
3 (E90) 316 i 09.2005 - 10.2011 27555 115 1596 Sedan
3 (E90) 318 d 03.2005 - 08.2007 18967 122 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 318 d 03.2005 - 08.2007 18967 122 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 318 d 09.2007 - 10.2011 5768 136 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 318 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 A
More information 02.2007 - 10.2011 25466 143 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 318 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 A
More information 02.2007 - 10.2011 25466 143 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 318 i 09.2005 - 08.2007 18966 129 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 318 i 09.2005 - 08.2007 18966 129 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 318 i 09.2007 - 10.2011 25465 143 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 318 i 09.2007 - 10.2011 25465 143 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d 12.2004 - 09.2007 19953 150 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d 12.2004 - 09.2007 19953 150 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d 12.2004 - 09.2007 59741 156 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d 12.2004 - 10.2011 18452 163 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d 12.2004 - 10.2011 18452 163 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d 09.2007 - 02.2010 25471 177 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d 09.2007 - 02.2010 25471 177 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d 03.2010 - 10.2011 33387 184 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d 03.2010 - 10.2011 33387 184 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d xDrive 09.2008 - 10.2011 11399 163 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d xDrive 09.2008 - 02.2010 31031 177 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 d xDrive 09.2008 - 02.2010 31031 177 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 i 02.2007 - 12.2011 33573 156 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 i 09.2007 - 10.2011 25470 170 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 i 09.2007 - 10.2011 25470 170 1995 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 si 09.2005 - 08.2006 19496 173 1997 Sedan
3 (E90) 320 si 09.2005 - 08.2006 19496 173 1997 Sedan
3 (E90) 323 i 09.2005 - 02.2007 28018 177 2497 Sedan
3 (E90) 323 i 09.2005 - 02.2007 28018 177 2497 Sedan
3 (E90) 323 i 03.2007 - 12.2011 55937 190 2497 Sedan
3 (E90) 323 i 03.2007 - 12.2011 55937 190 2497 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 d 09.2006 - 02.2010 19998 197 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 d 09.2006 - 02.2010 19998 197 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 d 03.2010 - 10.2011 33396 204 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 d 03.2010 - 10.2011 33396 204 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 i 12.2004 - 12.2011 18450 218 2497 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 i 12.2004 - 12.2011 18450 218 2497 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 i 03.2007 - 12.2011 25468 218 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 i 03.2007 - 12.2011 25468 218 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 i xDrive 09.2008 - 10.2011 31028 218 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 i xDrive 09.2008 - 10.2011 31028 218 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 xi 09.2005 - 08.2008 19101 218 2497 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 xi 09.2005 - 08.2008 19101 218 2497 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 xi 09.2007 - 08.2008 25469 218 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 325 xi 09.2007 - 08.2008 25469 218 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 d 09.2005 - 09.2008 18968 231 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 d 09.2005 - 09.2008 18968 231 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 d 09.2008 - 10.2011 30864 245 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 d 09.2008 - 10.2011 30864 245 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 d xDrive 09.2008 - 10.2011 30868 245 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 d xDrive 09.2008 - 10.2011 30868 245 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 i 12.2004 - 10.2011 18451 258 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 i 12.2004 - 10.2011 18451 258 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 i 09.2007 - 10.2011 25472 272 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 i 09.2007 - 10.2011 25472 272 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 i xDrive 09.2008 - 10.2011 31029 272 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 i xDrive 09.2008 - 10.2011 31029 272 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 xd 09.2005 - 08.2008 19103 231 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 xd 09.2005 - 08.2008 19103 231 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 xi 09.2005 - 08.2007 19102 258 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 xi 09.2005 - 08.2007 19102 258 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 xi 09.2007 - 08.2008 25473 272 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 330 xi 09.2007 - 08.2008 25473 272 2996 Sedan
3 (E90) 335 d 09.2006 - 12.2011 19837 286 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 335 d 09.2006 - 12.2011 19837 286 2993 Sedan
3 (E90) 335 i 09.2006 - 12.2011 19833 306 2979 Sedan
3 (E90) 335 i 09.2006 - 12.2011 19833 306 2979 Sedan
3 (E90) 335 i xDrive
Engine Code: N54 B30 A
More information 09.2008 - 10.2011 31030 306 2979 Sedan
3 (E90) 335 i xDrive
Engine Code: N54 B30 A
More information 09.2008 - 10.2011 31030 306 2979 Sedan
3 (E90) 335 xi 03.2007 - 08.2008 25467 306 2979 Sedan
3 (E90) 335 xi 03.2007 - 08.2008 25467 306 2979 Sedan
3 (E90) M3 12.2007 - 10.2011 26589 420 3999 Sedan
3 (E90) M3 12.2007 - 10.2011 26589 420 3999 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 316 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 C
More information 03.2012 - 10.2018 27674 116 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 316 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 C
More information 03.2012 - 10.2018 27674 116 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 316 i 07.2012 - 08.2016 57472 136 1598 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 316 i 07.2012 - 08.2016 57472 136 1598 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 318 d 03.2012 - 06.2015 27765 143 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 318 d 03.2012 - 06.2015 27765 143 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 d 11.2011 - 10.2018 12473 163 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 d 11.2011 - 10.2018 12473 163 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 d 11.2011 - 03.2016 12472 184 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 d 11.2011 - 03.2016 12472 184 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 d 11.2011 - 03.2016 100885 200 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 d xDrive 08.2012 - 06.2015 57293 184 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 d xDrive 08.2012 - 06.2015 57293 184 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 d xDrive 08.2012 - 06.2015 100839 200 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 d xDrive 08.2012 - 06.2015 100839 200 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 i 11.2012 - 06.2016 59409 170 1598 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 i 03.2012 - 10.2018 27670 184 1997 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 i 03.2012 - 10.2018 27670 184 1997 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 i xDrive 07.2012 - 10.2018 56020 184 1997 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 320 i xDrive 07.2012 - 10.2018 56020 184 1997 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 325 d 03.2013 - 02.2016 59223 218 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 325 d 03.2013 - 02.2016 59223 218 1995 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 328 i 11.2011 - 10.2018 12470 245 1997 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 328 i 11.2011 - 10.2018 12470 245 1997 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 328 i xDrive 07.2012 - 08.2016 57294 245 1997 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 328 i xDrive
Engine Code: N20 B20 A
More information 07.2012 - 08.2016 57294 245 1997 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 330 d 07.2012 - 10.2018 58949 258 2993 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 335 i 11.2011 - 07.2015 12471 306 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 335 i 11.2011 - 07.2015 12471 306 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 335 i 11.2011 - 06.2013 107867 326 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 335 i xDrive 07.2012 - 07.2015 57295 306 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 335 i xDrive 07.2012 - 07.2015 57295 306 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) 335 i xDrive 07.2012 - 06.2013 107868 326 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) ActiveHybrid 07.2012 - 06.2015 57561 306 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) ActiveHybrid 07.2012 - 06.2015 57560 340 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) ActiveHybrid 07.2012 - 06.2015 57560 340 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) M3 03.2014 - 10.2018 100819 431 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) M3 03.2014 - 10.2018 100819 431 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) M3 Competition 03.2016 - 10.2018 118192 450 2979 Sedan
3 (F30, F80) M3 Competition 03.2016 - 10.2018 118192 450 2979 Sedan
3 Convertible (E93) 318 i 03.2010 - 12.2013 12476 143 1995 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 318 i 03.2010 - 12.2013 12476 143 1995 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 320 d 03.2008 - 02.2010 25487 177 1995 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 320 d 03.2008 - 02.2010 25487 177 1995 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 320 d 03.2010 - 10.2013 33393 184 1995 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 320 d 03.2010 - 10.2013 33393 184 1995 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 320 i 03.2007 - 10.2013 22535 170 1995 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 320 i 03.2007 - 10.2013 22535 170 1995 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 323 i 03.2007 - 09.2011 25582 177 2497 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 323 i 03.2007 - 09.2011 25582 177 2497 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 325 d 03.2007 - 12.2010 25486 197 2993 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 325 d 03.2007 - 12.2010 25486 197 2993 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 325 d 09.2009 - 09.2013 12491 204 2993 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 325 d 09.2009 - 09.2013 12491 204 2993 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 325 i 12.2006 - 02.2010 22957 218 2497 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 325 i 12.2006 - 02.2010 22957 218 2497 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 325 i 03.2007 - 12.2013 22536 218 2996 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 325 i 03.2007 - 12.2013 22536 218 2996 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 330 d 03.2007 - 12.2013 22539 231 2993 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 330 d 03.2007 - 12.2013 22539 231 2993 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 330 d 01.2009 - 12.2013 30863 245 2993 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 330 d 01.2009 - 12.2013 30863 245 2993 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 330 i
Engine Code: N52 B30 A
More information 03.2010 - 10.2013 25583 258 2996 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 330 i
Engine Code: N52 B30 A
More information 03.2010 - 10.2013 25583 258 2996 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 330 i 03.2007 - 02.2010 118553 272 2996 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 330 i 03.2007 - 10.2013 22537 272 2996 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 330 i 03.2007 - 10.2013 22537 272 2996 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 335 i 12.2006 - 10.2013 22538 306 2979 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) 335 i 12.2006 - 10.2013 22538 306 2979 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) M3 03.2008 - 10.2013 26590 420 3999 Convertible
3 Convertible (E93) M3 03.2008 - 10.2013 26590 420 3999 Convertible
3 Coupe (E92) 316 i 09.2007 - 06.2013 55565 122 1599 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 316 i 09.2007 - 06.2013 55565 122 1599 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 318 i 03.2010 - 12.2013 12475 143 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 318 i 03.2010 - 12.2013 12475 143 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 320 d 09.2006 - 02.2010 22534 177 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 320 d 03.2010 - 06.2013 33392 184 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 320 d 03.2010 - 06.2013 33392 184 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 320 d 09.2006 - 02.2010 22534 177 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 320 d xDrive 03.2010 - 06.2013 33391 184 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 320 d xDrive 03.2010 - 06.2013 33391 184 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 320 i 01.2007 - 12.2013 52425 163 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 320 i 03.2007 - 12.2013 22533 170 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 320 i 03.2007 - 12.2013 22533 170 1995 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 323 i 06.2006 - 08.2008 25578 177 2497 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 323 i 06.2006 - 08.2008 25578 177 2497 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 d 02.2007 - 02.2010 22543 197 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 d 02.2007 - 02.2010 22543 197 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 d 09.2009 - 12.2013 34768 204 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 d 09.2009 - 12.2013 34768 204 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 i 03.2010 - 10.2013 118827 204 2497 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 i 09.2007 - 06.2013 25483 218 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 i 09.2007 - 06.2013 25483 218 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 i xDrive 09.2008 - 12.2013 31036 218 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 i xDrive 09.2008 - 12.2013 31036 218 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 xi 09.2006 - 02.2010 19930 218 2497 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 xi 09.2006 - 02.2010 19930 218 2497 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 xi 09.2007 - 08.2008 25484 218 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 325 xi 09.2007 - 08.2008 25484 218 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 d 03.2006 - 08.2008 19921 231 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 d 03.2006 - 08.2008 19921 231 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 d 01.2009 - 12.2013 30866 245 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 d 01.2009 - 12.2013 30866 245 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 i 03.2010 - 06.2013 20683 258 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 i 03.2010 - 06.2013 20683 258 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 i 09.2007 - 06.2013 118548 272 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 i 09.2007 - 06.2013 118548 272 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 i xDrive 03.2010 - 06.2013 31037 272 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 i xDrive 03.2010 - 06.2013 31037 272 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 xd 03.2006 - 08.2008 19932 231 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 xd 03.2006 - 08.2008 19932 231 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 xd 03.2008 - 02.2010 30867 245 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 xd 03.2008 - 02.2010 30867 245 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 xi 09.2006 - 08.2007 20684 258 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 xi 09.2006 - 08.2007 20684 258 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 xi 09.2006 - 08.2007 19931 272 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 330 xi 09.2006 - 08.2007 19931 272 2996 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 335 d 03.2006 - 03.2013 19835 286 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 335 d 03.2006 - 03.2013 19835 286 2993 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 335 i
Engine Code: N54 B30 A
More information 06.2006 - 06.2013 19567 306 2979 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 335 i
Engine Code: N54 B30 A
More information 06.2006 - 06.2013 19567 306 2979 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 335 i xDrive 11.2008 - 12.2013 31038 306 2979 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 335 i xDrive 11.2008 - 12.2013 31038 306 2979 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 335 xi 03.2007 - 02.2010 25485 306 2979 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) 335 xi 03.2007 - 02.2010 25485 306 2979 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) M3 06.2007 - 06.2013 22939 420 3999 Coupe
3 Coupe (E92) M3 06.2007 - 06.2013 22939 420 3999 Coupe
3 Gran Turismo (F34) 318 d 03.2013 - 06.2015 58799 143 1995 Hatchback
3 Gran Turismo (F34) 320 d 03.2013 - 06.2015 58800 184 1995 Hatchback
3 Gran Turismo (F34) 320 d xDrive 07.2013 - 06.2015 59803 184 1995 Hatchback
3 Gran Turismo (F34) 320 i 03.2013 - 06.2016 58796 184 1997 Hatchback
3 Gran Turismo (F34) 320 i xDrive 11.2012 - 06.2016 59800 184 1997 Hatchback
3 Gran Turismo (F34) 328 i
Engine Code: N20 B20 A
More information 03.2013 - 06.2016 58797 245 1997 Hatchback
3 Gran Turismo (F34) 328 i xDrive
Engine Code: N20 B20 A
More information 07.2013 - 06.2016 59801 245 1997 Hatchback
3 Gran Turismo (F34) 335 i 03.2013 - 06.2016 58798 306 2979 Hatchback
3 Gran Turismo (F34) 335 i xDrive 07.2013 - 06.2016 59802 306 2979 Hatchback
3 Touring (E91) 316 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2009 - 06.2012 11145 116 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 316 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2009 - 06.2012 11145 116 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 318 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 08.2007 19298 122 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 318 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 08.2007 19298 122 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 318 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 07.2007 - 06.2012 3980 136 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 318 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 A
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 25475 143 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 318 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 A
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 25475 143 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 318 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2006 - 08.2007 19299 129 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 318 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2006 - 08.2007 19299 129 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 318 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 05.2007 - 05.2012 25474 143 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 318 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 05.2007 - 05.2012 25474 143 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 12.2004 - 08.2007 19954 150 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 12.2004 - 08.2007 19954 150 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d
Engine Code: M47 D20 (204D4)
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2005 - 06.2012 18761 163 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d
Engine Code: M47 D20 (204D4)
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2005 - 06.2012 18761 163 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2007 - 12.2010 25482 177 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2007 - 12.2010 25482 177 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2010 - 05.2012 33389 184 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2010 - 05.2012 33389 184 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 07.2009 - 06.2012 34946 163 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2008 - 02.2010 31035 177 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2008 - 02.2010 31035 177 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2010 - 06.2012 33390 184 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 d xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2010 - 06.2012 33390 184 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 06.2012 18758 150 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 06.2012 18758 150 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2007 - 12.2012 25476 170 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 320 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2007 - 12.2012 25476 170 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 323 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 04.2006 - 06.2007 28020 177 2497 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 323 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 07.2008 112302 190 2497 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 323 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 04.2006 - 06.2007 28020 177 2497 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 06.2012 19995 197 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2010 - 06.2012 34767 204 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2010 - 06.2012 34767 204 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 06.2012 19995 197 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 12.2004 - 08.2008 18759 218 2497 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 12.2004 - 08.2008 18759 218 2497 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 3536 211 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 25480 218 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 25480 218 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 i xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2008 - 06.2012 31032 218 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 i xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2008 - 06.2012 31032 218 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 08.2005 - 08.2008 19104 218 2497 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 08.2005 - 08.2008 19104 218 2497 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 08.2008 25481 218 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 325 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 08.2008 25481 218 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 12.2004 - 08.2008 18969 231 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 12.2004 - 08.2008 18969 231 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2008 - 05.2012 30865 245 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2008 - 05.2012 30865 245 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 d xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2009 - 06.2012 30869 245 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 d xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2009 - 06.2012 30869 245 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 08.2005 - 08.2007 18760 258 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 08.2005 - 08.2007 18760 258 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 25478 272 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 25478 272 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 i xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 31033 272 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 i xDrive
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 31033 272 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 xd
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 06.2012 19106 231 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 xd
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 06.2012 19106 231 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 08.2007 19105 258 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 08.2007 19105 258 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 25479 272 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 330 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 06.2012 25479 272 2996 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 335 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 06.2012 19836 286 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 335 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 06.2012 19836 286 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 335 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 06.2012 19834 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 335 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 06.2012 19834 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 335 i xDrive
Engine Code: N54 B30 A
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2008 - 06.2012 31034 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 335 i xDrive
Engine Code: N54 B30 A
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2008 - 06.2012 31034 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 335 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 08.2008 25477 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (E91) 335 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 08.2008 25477 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 316 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 C
More information 11.2012 - 06.2019 55125 116 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 316 d
Engine Code: N47 D20 C
More information 11.2012 - 06.2019 55125 116 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 316 i 03.2013 - 06.2015 59407 136 1598 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 316 i 03.2013 - 06.2015 59407 136 1598 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 318 d 11.2012 - 06.2015 55126 143 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 318 d 11.2012 - 06.2015 55126 143 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 320 d 07.2012 - 02.2016 55127 184 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 320 d 07.2012 - 02.2016 55127 184 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 320 d 07.2012 - 02.2016 100848 200 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 320 d xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2015 59406 184 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 320 d xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2015 100847 200 1995 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 320 i 11.2012 - 06.2015 55123 184 1997 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 320 i 11.2012 - 06.2015 55123 184 1997 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 320 i xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2015 59403 184 1997 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 320 i xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2015 59403 184 1997 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 328 i 07.2012 - 06.2015 55124 245 1997 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 328 i 07.2012 - 06.2015 55124 245 1997 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 328 i xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2016 59402 245 1997 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 328 i xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2016 59402 245 1997 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 330 d 07.2012 - 06.2019 55128 258 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 330 d 07.2012 - 06.2019 55128 258 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 330 d xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2019 59404 258 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 330 d xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2019 59404 258 2993 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 335 i 03.2013 - 06.2015 59221 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 335 i 03.2013 - 06.2015 59221 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 335 i 03.2013 - 06.2013 107873 326 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 335 i 07.2013 - 06.2015 107875 340 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 335 i xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2015 59220 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 335 i xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2015 59220 306 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 335 i xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2013 107874 326 2979 Wagon
3 Touring (F31) 335 i xDrive 07.2013 - 06.2015 107876 340 2979 Wagon
4 Convertible (F33, F83) 420 d 10.2013 - 06.2015 58295 184 1995 Convertible
4 Convertible (F33, F83) 420 i 07.2014 - 02.2016 105913 184 1997 Convertible
4 Convertible (F33, F83) 428 i 11.2013 - 02.2017 58299 245 1997 Convertible
4 Convertible (F33, F83) 435 i 11.2013 - 02.2016 58292 306 2979 Convertible
4 Convertible (F33, F83) M4 07.2014 - 105899 431 2979 Convertible
4 Coupe (F32, F82) 420 d 07.2013 - 02.2015 59809 184 1995 Coupe
4 Coupe (F32, F82) 420 i 11.2013 - 02.2017 49226 184 1997 Coupe
4 Coupe (F32, F82) 420 i xDrive 11.2013 - 02.2016 54208 184 1997 Coupe
4 Coupe (F32, F82) 425 d 03.2014 - 02.2016 100820 218 1995 Coupe
4 Coupe (F32, F82) 428 i 07.2013 - 02.2017 59805 245 1997 Coupe
4 Coupe (F32, F82) 428 i xDrive 07.2013 - 02.2016 59806 245 1997 Coupe
4 Coupe (F32, F82) 430 d 11.2013 - 54207 258 2993 Coupe
4 Coupe (F32, F82) 435 i 07.2013 - 02.2016 59807 306 2979 Coupe
4 Coupe (F32, F82) 435 i xDrive 07.2013 - 02.2016 59808 306 2979 Coupe
4 Coupe (F32, F82) M4 03.2014 - 100821 431 2979 Coupe
4 Gran Coupe (F36) 420 d 03.2014 - 02.2015 100849 184 1995 Coupe
4 Gran Coupe (F36) 420 i 03.2014 - 02.2017 100851 184 1997 Coupe
4 Gran Coupe (F36) 428 i
Engine Code: N20 B20 A
More information 03.2014 - 06.2016 100852 245 1997 Coupe
4 Gran Coupe (F36) 435 i 03.2014 - 02.2016 100843 306 2979 Coupe
5 (E60) 520 d 09.2005 - 02.2007 19955 150 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 d 09.2005 - 02.2007 19955 150 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 d 09.2005 - 12.2009 19023 163 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 d 09.2005 - 12.2009 19023 163 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 d 09.2007 - 12.2009 25489 177 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 d 09.2007 - 12.2009 25489 177 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 i 09.2007 - 02.2010 59410 156 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 i 09.2007 - 12.2009 25491 170 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 i 09.2007 - 12.2009 25491 170 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 i 07.2003 - 03.2010 17290 170 2171 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 i 07.2003 - 03.2010 17290 170 2171 Sedan
5 (E60) 520 i 09.2007 - 02.2010 59410 156 1995 Sedan
5 (E60) 523 i 10.2004 - 02.2007 19013 177 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 523 i 10.2004 - 02.2007 19013 177 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 523 i 03.2007 - 12.2009 22659 190 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 523 i 03.2007 - 12.2009 22659 190 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 523 i 03.2007 - 12.2009 118554 190 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 523 i 03.2007 - 12.2009 118554 190 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 d 06.2004 - 03.2010 17968 177 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 d 06.2004 - 03.2010 17968 177 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 d 01.2007 - 03.2010 22660 197 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 d 01.2007 - 03.2010 22660 197 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 d 12.2004 - 03.2010 19950 163 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 i 09.2003 - 02.2005 17293 192 2494 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 i 09.2003 - 02.2005 17293 192 2494 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 i 03.2005 - 12.2009 19018 218 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 i 03.2005 - 12.2009 19018 218 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 i 01.2007 - 03.2010 22657 218 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 i 01.2007 - 03.2010 22657 218 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 xd 11.2006 - 08.2007 25446 197 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 xd 11.2006 - 08.2007 25446 197 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 xi 04.2005 - 02.2007 19095 218 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 xi 04.2005 - 02.2007 19095 218 2497 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 xi 03.2007 - 12.2009 22658 218 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 525 xi 03.2007 - 12.2009 22658 218 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 d 09.2002 - 12.2009 54932 211 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 d 09.2002 - 09.2005 17292 218 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 d 09.2002 - 09.2005 17292 218 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 d 09.2005 - 03.2007 19024 231 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 d 09.2005 - 03.2007 19024 231 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 d 02.2007 - 12.2009 22661 235 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 d 02.2007 - 12.2009 22661 235 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 i 12.2001 - 02.2005 17291 231 2979 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 i 12.2001 - 02.2005 17291 231 2979 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 i 03.2005 - 03.2007 19007 258 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 i 03.2005 - 03.2007 19007 258 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 i 03.2007 - 12.2009 22663 272 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 i 03.2007 - 12.2009 22663 272 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 i xDrive 09.2008 - 12.2009 31021 272 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 i xDrive 09.2008 - 12.2009 31021 272 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 xd 02.2005 - 02.2007 19097 231 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 xd 02.2005 - 02.2007 19097 231 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 xd 03.2007 - 08.2007 22662 235 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 xd 03.2007 - 08.2007 22662 235 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 xi 09.2004 - 02.2007 19096 258 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 xi 09.2004 - 02.2007 19096 258 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 xi 02.2007 - 08.2008 22664 272 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 530 xi 02.2007 - 08.2008 22664 272 2996 Sedan
5 (E60) 535 d 09.2004 - 03.2010 18308 272 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 535 d 09.2004 - 03.2010 18308 272 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 535 d 01.2007 - 03.2010 22656 286 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 535 d 01.2007 - 03.2010 22656 286 2993 Sedan
5 (E60) 540 i 09.2005 - 02.2007 101037 299 4000 Sedan
5 (E60) 540 i 09.2005 - 02.2007 101037 299 4000 Sedan
5 (E60) 540 i 03.2007 - 12.2009 19020 306 4000 Sedan
5 (E60) 540 i 03.2007 - 12.2009 19020 306 4000 Sedan
5 (E60) 545 i 09.2003 - 08.2005 17294 333 4398 Sedan
5 (E60) 545 i 09.2003 - 08.2005 17294 333 4398 Sedan
5 (E60) 550 i 09.2005 - 12.2009 19021 367 4799 Sedan
5 (E60) 550 i 09.2005 - 12.2009 19021 367 4799 Sedan
5 (E60) M5 09.2004 - 12.2009 18252 507 4999 Sedan
5 (E60) M5 09.2004 - 12.2009 18252 507 4999 Sedan
5 (F10) 520 d 06.2010 - 06.2014 33010 184 1995 Sedan
5 (F10) 520 i 09.2011 - 10.2016 4736 163 1997 Sedan
5 (F10) 520 i 09.2011 - 10.2016 11832 184 1997 Sedan
5 (F10) 523 i 01.2010 - 08.2011 14030 204 2497 Sedan
5 (F10) 523 i 06.2009 - 08.2011 33006 204 2996 Sedan
5 (F10) 525 d 09.2011 - 10.2016 4515 211 1995 Sedan
5 (F10) 525 d 09.2011 - 10.2016 11836 218 1995 Sedan
5 (F10) 525 d 03.2010 - 08.2011 33011 204 2993 Sedan
5 (F10) 525 d xDrive 09.2011 - 10.2016 11837 218 1995 Sedan
5 (F10) 528 i 09.2011 - 10.2016 11833 245 1997 Sedan
5 (F10) 528 i 03.2010 - 08.2011 33007 258 2996 Sedan
5 (F10) 528 i xDrive 09.2011 - 10.2016 11834 245 1997 Sedan
5 (F10) 530 d 01.2010 - 08.2011 33012 245 2993 Sedan
5 (F10) 530 d 09.2011 - 10.2016 11838 258 2993 Sedan
5 (F10) 530 d xDrive 03.2011 - 10.2016 11853 258 2993 Sedan
5 (F10) 530 i 05.2011 - 06.2013 11835 272 2996 Sedan
5 (F10) 535 d 09.2010 - 08.2011 33764 299 2993 Sedan
5 (F10) 535 d 09.2011 - 10.2016 11854 313 2993 Sedan
5 (F10) 535 d xDrive 09.2011 - 10.2016 11855 313 2993 Sedan
5 (F10) 535 i 01.2010 - 10.2016 33008 306 2979 Sedan
5 (F10) 535 i 07.2013 - 10.2016 107908 326 2979 Sedan
5 (F10) 535 i xDrive 03.2011 - 10.2016 10483 306 2979 Sedan
5 (F10) 535 i xDrive 07.2013 - 10.2016 107912 326 2979 Sedan
5 (F10) 550 i 03.2010 - 06.2013 33009 408 4395 Sedan
5 (F10) 550 i 07.2013 - 10.2016 59756 449 4395 Sedan
5 (F10) 550 i xDrive 08.2010 - 06.2013 33763 408 4395 Sedan
5 (F10) 550 i xDrive 07.2013 - 10.2016 59757 449 4395 Sedan
5 (F10) ActiveHybrid 12.2011 - 10.2016 11856 340 2979 Sedan
5 (F10) M 550 d xDrive 03.2012 - 10.2016 7543 381 2993 Sedan
5 (F10) M5 09.2011 - 10.2016 12689 560 4395 Sedan
5 (F10) M5 Competition 02.2013 - 10.2016 100907 575 4395 Sedan
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 520 d 04.2011 - 02.2017 57270 184 1995 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 528 i 07.2013 - 02.2017 100353 245 1997 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 530 d 08.2009 - 06.2012 32108 245 2993 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 530 d 07.2012 - 02.2017 57301 258 2993 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 530 d xDrive 06.2010 - 06.2012 33768 245 2993 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 530 d xDrive 07.2012 - 02.2017 57302 258 2993 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 535 d 03.2010 - 06.2012 33769 299 2993 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 535 d xDrive 03.2010 - 06.2012 33765 299 2993 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 535 d xDrive 07.2012 - 02.2017 58836 313 2993 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 535 i 01.2009 - 02.2017 32106 306 2979 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 535 i xDrive 09.2010 - 02.2017 33766 306 2979 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 550 i 08.2009 - 06.2012 32107 408 4395 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 550 i 07.2012 - 02.2017 57299 449 4395 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 550 i xDrive 06.2010 - 06.2012 33767 408 4395 Hatchback
5 Gran Turismo (F07) 550 i xDrive 07.2012 - 02.2017 57300 449 4395 Hatchback
5 Touring (E61) 520 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 02.2007 19956 150 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 520 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2005 - 02.2007 19956 150 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 520 d
Engine Code: M47 D20 (204D4)
For windscreen cleaning
More information 04.2005 - 05.2010 19223 163 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 520 d
Engine Code: M47 D20 (204D4)
For windscreen cleaning
More information 04.2005 - 05.2010 19223 163 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 520 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 05.2010 25490 177 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 520 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 05.2010 25490 177 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 520 i 07.2007 - 08.2010 59411 163 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 520 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 12.2010 25492 170 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 520 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 12.2010 25492 170 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 523 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2004 - 02.2007 19015 177 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 523 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2004 - 02.2007 19015 177 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 523 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 118557 190 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 523 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 118557 190 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2004 - 03.2007 19949 163 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2004 - 03.2007 19949 163 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2004 - 03.2007 17969 177 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 05.2010 22665 197 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 05.2010 22665 197 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 12.2010 17775 192 2494 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 12.2010 17775 192 2494 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2005 - 05.2010 19019 218 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2005 - 05.2010 19019 218 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 22670 218 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 22670 218 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 i xDrive 09.2008 - 12.2010 31024 218 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 xd
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 09.2008 25447 197 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 xd
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2007 - 09.2008 25447 197 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 07.2005 - 12.2010 19099 218 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 07.2005 - 12.2010 19099 218 2497 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 22671 218 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 525 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 22671 218 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2004 - 09.2005 17778 218 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2004 - 09.2005 17778 218 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2005 - 02.2007 19025 231 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2005 - 02.2007 19025 231 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2007 - 05.2010 22666 235 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2007 - 05.2010 22666 235 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2004 - 02.2007 19009 258 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2004 - 02.2007 19009 258 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 22668 272 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 22668 272 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 i xDrive 09.2008 - 05.2010 31025 272 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 xd
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2005 - 02.2007 19098 231 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 xd
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2005 - 02.2007 19098 231 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 xd
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 08.2007 22667 235 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 xd
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2007 - 08.2007 22667 235 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 04.2005 - 02.2007 19100 258 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 04.2005 - 02.2007 19100 258 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 09.2008 129623 272 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 530 xi
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2006 - 09.2008 129623 272 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 535 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2004 - 12.2010 18309 272 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 535 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2004 - 12.2010 18309 272 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 535 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 22672 286 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 535 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 01.2007 - 12.2010 22672 286 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 545 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 12.2010 17777 333 4398 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 545 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 06.2004 - 12.2010 17777 333 4398 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 550 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 07.2005 - 12.2010 19022 367 4799 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) 550 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 07.2005 - 12.2010 19022 367 4799 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) M5
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2007 - 12.2010 22696 507 4999 Wagon
5 Touring (E61) M5
For windscreen cleaning
More information 02.2007 - 12.2010 22696 507 4999 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 520 d 06.2010 - 06.2014 33773 184 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 520 i 10.2010 - 02.2017 11857 184 1997 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 523 i 11.2009 - 08.2011 33770 204 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 525 d 09.2011 - 02.2017 11877 218 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 525 d 09.2010 - 08.2011 33774 204 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 525 d xDrive 07.2013 - 02.2017 11878 218 1995 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 528 i 09.2011 - 02.2017 11858 245 1997 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 528 i 11.2009 - 08.2011 33771 258 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 528 i xDrive 09.2011 - 02.2017 11874 245 1997 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 530 d 06.2010 - 08.2011 33775 245 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 530 d 09.2011 - 02.2017 11883 258 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 530 d xDrive 03.2011 - 02.2017 11884 258 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 530 i 07.2011 - 06.2013 11875 272 2996 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 535 d 09.2010 - 08.2011 33776 299 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 535 d 09.2011 - 02.2017 11885 313 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 535 d xDrive 09.2011 - 02.2017 11886 313 2993 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 535 i 06.2010 - 02.2017 33772 306 2979 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 535 i xDrive 09.2011 - 02.2017 12690 306 2979 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 550 i 09.2010 - 06.2013 11876 408 4395 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) 550 i 07.2013 - 02.2017 59765 449 4395 Wagon
5 Touring (F11) M 550 d xDrive 03.2012 - 02.2017 6762 381 2993 Wagon
6 (E63) 630 i 09.2004 - 08.2007 18324 258 2996 Coupe
6 (E63) 630 i 09.2004 - 08.2007 18324 258 2996 Coupe
6 (E63) 630 i 09.2007 - 08.2010 25493 272 2996 Coupe
6 (E63) 630 i 09.2007 - 08.2010 25493 272 2996 Coupe
6 (E63) 635 d 07.2007 - 07.2010 25494 286 2993 Coupe
6 (E63) 635 d 07.2007 - 07.2010 25494 286 2993 Coupe
6 (E63) 645 Ci 09.2003 - 08.2005 17814 333 4398 Coupe
6 (E63) 645 Ci 09.2003 - 08.2005 17814 333 4398 Coupe
6 (E63) 650 i 09.2005 - 08.2010 18999 367 4799 Coupe
6 (E63) 650 i 09.2005 - 08.2010 18999 367 4799 Coupe
6 (E63) M 09.2005 - 07.2010 19201 507 4999 Coupe
6 (E63) M 09.2005 - 07.2010 19201 507 4999 Coupe
6 Convertible (E64) 630 i 09.2004 - 08.2007 18325 258 2996 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) 630 i 09.2004 - 08.2007 18325 258 2996 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) 630 i 09.2007 - 08.2010 25496 272 2996 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) 630 i 09.2007 - 08.2010 25496 272 2996 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) 635 d 07.2007 - 07.2010 25495 286 2993 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) 635 d 07.2007 - 07.2010 25495 286 2993 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) 645 Ci 04.2004 - 08.2005 17815 333 4398 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) 645 Ci 04.2004 - 08.2005 17815 333 4398 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) 650 i 09.2005 - 08.2010 18997 367 4799 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) 650 i 09.2005 - 08.2010 18997 367 4799 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) M6 09.2006 - 08.2010 19910 507 4999 Convertible
6 Convertible (E64) M6 09.2006 - 08.2010 19910 507 4999 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) 640 d 09.2011 - 06.2018 11887 313 2993 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) 640 d xDrive 03.2012 - 06.2018 7717 313 2993 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) 640 i 09.2011 - 06.2018 8256 320 2979 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) 640 i xDrive 03.2013 - 06.2018 59226 320 2979 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) 650 i 07.2012 - 06.2018 56769 449 4395 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) 650 i 12.2010 - 06.2012 8268 408 4395 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) 650 i xDrive 09.2011 - 06.2012 12556 407 4395 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) 650 i xDrive 07.2012 - 06.2018 56768 449 4395 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) M6 03.2012 - 06.2018 4767 560 4395 Convertible
6 Convertible (F12) M6 Competition 07.2013 - 02.2015 100911 575 4395 Convertible
6 Coupe (F13) 640 d 09.2011 - 10.2017 12555 313 2993 Coupe
6 Coupe (F13) 640 d xDrive 03.2012 - 10.2017 4514 313 2993 Coupe
6 Coupe (F13) 640 i 07.2011 - 10.2017 8272 320 2979 Coupe
6 Coupe (F13) 640 i xDrive 03.2013 - 10.2017 59227 320 2979 Coupe
6 Coupe (F13) 650 i 07.2011 - 06.2012 8284 408 4395 Coupe
6 Coupe (F13) 650 i 07.2012 - 10.2017 55542 449 4395 Coupe
6 Coupe (F13) 650 i xDrive 09.2011 - 02.2015 12554 408 4395 Coupe
6 Coupe (F13) 650 i xDrive 07.2012 - 10.2017 55543 449 4395 Coupe
6 Gran Coupe (F06) 640 d 03.2012 - 10.2018 58445 313 2993 Coupe
6 Gran Coupe (F06) 640 d xDrive 03.2013 - 10.2018 59230 313 2993 Coupe
6 Gran Coupe (F06) 640 i 03.2012 - 10.2018 58418 320 2979 Coupe
6 Gran Coupe (F06) 640 i xDrive 03.2013 - 10.2018 59228 320 2979 Coupe
6 Gran Coupe (F06) 650 i 07.2012 - 10.2018 58439 449 4395 Coupe
6 Gran Coupe (F06) 650 i xDrive 07.2012 - 10.2018 58444 449 4395 Coupe
6 Gran Coupe (F06) M6 03.2013 - 10.2018 59231 560 4395 Coupe
6 Gran Coupe (F06) M6 Competition 07.2013 - 02.2015 100912 575 4395 Coupe
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 Ld 07.2005 - 08.2008 18986 231 2993 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 Ld 07.2005 - 08.2008 18986 231 2993 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 d 09.2003 - 08.2008 10600 211 2993 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 d
Construction year from: from 09.2003
More information 06.2002 - 02.2005 16953 218 2993 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 d
Construction year from: from 09.2003
More information 06.2002 - 02.2005 16953 218 2993 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 i, Li 03.2003 - 07.2008 18084 231 2979 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 i, Li 03.2003 - 07.2008 18084 231 2979 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 i, Li 03.2005 - 07.2008 28367 250 2996 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 i, Li 03.2005 - 08.2008 19316 258 2996 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 730 i, Li 03.2005 - 08.2008 19316 258 2996 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 735 i, Li
Construction year from: from 09.2003
More information 11.2001 - 02.2005 16178 272 3600 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 735 i, Li
Construction year from: from 09.2003
More information 11.2001 - 02.2005 16178 272 3600 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 740 d
Construction year from: from 09.2003
More information 10.2002 - 02.2005 16954 258 3901 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 740 d
Construction year from: from 09.2003
More information 10.2002 - 02.2005 16954 258 3901 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 740 i, Li 03.2005 - 08.2008 18982 306 4000 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 740 i, Li 03.2005 - 08.2008 18982 306 4000 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 745 d 03.2005 - 08.2005 19952 300 4423 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 745 d 03.2005 - 08.2005 19952 300 4423 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 745 d 07.2005 - 07.2008 18988 329 4423 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 745 d 07.2005 - 07.2008 18988 329 4423 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 745 i, Li
Construction year from: from 09.2003
More information 07.2001 - 03.2005 16179 333 4398 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 745 i, Li
Construction year from: from 09.2003
More information 07.2001 - 03.2005 16179 333 4398 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 750 i, Li 03.2005 - 08.2008 18984 367 4799 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 750 i, Li 03.2005 - 08.2008 18984 367 4799 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 760 i, Li
Engine Code: N73 B60 A
Construction year from: from 09.2003
Engine Code: N73 B60 A
More information 01.2003 - 08.2008 17151 445 5972 Sedan
7 (E65, E66, E67) 760 i, Li
Engine Code: N73 B60 A
Construction year from: from 09.2003
Engine Code: N73 B60 A
More information 01.2003 - 08.2008 17151 445 5972 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 730 d 09.2008 - 06.2012 29947 245 2993 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 730 d 07.2012 - 05.2015 55353 258 2993 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 730 d xDrive 11.2011 - 05.2015 55354 258 2993 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 730 i, Li 09.2009 - 06.2015 9863 258 2996 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 740 d 09.2009 - 06.2012 32105 306 2993 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 740 d 07.2012 - 06.2015 55356 313 2993 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 740 d xDrive 09.2010 - 12.2012 5753 306 2993 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 740 d xDrive 07.2012 - 06.2015 55357 313 2993 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 740 i, Li 07.2012 - 12.2015 55352 320 2979 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 740 i, Li 09.2008 - 06.2012 29945 326 2979 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 750 d xDrive 07.2012 - 12.2015 55358 381 2993 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 750 i, Li 09.2008 - 06.2012 29946 408 4395 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 750 i, Li 07.2012 - 06.2015 57271 449 4395 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 750 i, Li xDrive 09.2009 - 06.2012 32103 408 4395 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 750 i, Li xDrive 07.2012 - 06.2015 57277 449 4395 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) 760 i, Li 09.2009 - 12.2015 32104 544 5972 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) ActiveHybrid 7 04.2010 - 06.2012 10587 449 4395 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) ActiveHybrid 7 08.2012 - 06.2015 58961 320 2979 Sedan
7 (F01, F02, F03, F04) ActiveHybrid 7 08.2012 - 06.2015 55360 354 2979 Sedan
8 Convertible (G14, F91) M 850 i xDrive 11.2018 - 133296 530 4395 Convertible
8 Convertible (G14, F91) M 850 i xDrive 11.2018 - 133296 530 4395 Convertible
8 Coupe (G15, F92) M 850 i xDrive 10.2018 - 131615 530 4395 Coupe
8 Coupe (G15, F92) M 850 i xDrive 10.2018 - 131615 530 4395 Coupe
8 Gran Coupe (G16, F93) 840 i 07.2019 - 10.2020 136517 340 2998 Coupe
8 Gran Coupe (G16, F93) M 850 i xDrive 07.2019 - 136519 530 4395 Coupe
X1 (E84) sDrive 18 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 12.2009 - 06.2015 32113 143 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) sDrive 18 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 12.2009 - 06.2015 32113 143 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) sDrive 18 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2010 - 06.2015 34992 150 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) sDrive 18 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2010 - 06.2015 34992 150 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) sDrive 20 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2009 - 06.2015 32116 177 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) sDrive 20 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2009 - 06.2015 32116 177 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 18 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2009 - 06.2015 32114 143 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 18 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2009 - 06.2015 32114 143 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 20 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2009 - 06.2012 32115 177 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 20 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2009 - 06.2012 32115 177 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 23 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2009 - 06.2015 32117 204 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 23 d
For windscreen cleaning
More information 10.2009 - 06.2015 32117 204 1995 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 25 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2010 - 08.2011 34993 218 2996 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 25 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 03.2010 - 08.2011 34993 218 2996 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 28 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2009 - 08.2011 32112 258 2996 SUV
X1 (E84) xDrive 28 i
For windscreen cleaning
More information 09.2009 - 08.2011 32112 258 2996 SUV
X3 (F25) sDrive 18 d 10.2012 - 03.2014 56809 136 1995 SUV
X3 (F25) sDrive 18 d 10.2012 - 03.2014 56810 143 1995 SUV
X3 (F25) sDrive 20 i 04.2014 - 08.2017 101045 184 1997 SUV
X3 (F25) xDrive 20 d 09.2010 - 03.2014 33778 184 1995 SUV
X3 (F25) xDrive 20 i 10.2011 - 08.2017 11954 184 1997 SUV
X3 (F25) xDrive 28 i 04.2012 - 08.2017 55252 245 1997 SUV
X3 (F25) xDrive 28 i 01.2011 - 10.2012 10031 258 2996 SUV
X3 (F25) xDrive 30 d 04.2011 - 08.2017 10576 258 2993 SUV
X3 (F25) xDrive 35 d 10.2011 - 08.2017 11888 313 2993 SUV
X3 (F25) xDrive 35 i 09.2010 - 08.2017 33777 306 2979 SUV
X4 (F26) xDrive 20 d 04.2014 - 03.2018 101049 190 1995 SUV
X4 (F26) xDrive 20 i 04.2014 - 03.2018 101046 184 1997 SUV
X4 (F26) xDrive 30 d 04.2014 - 03.2018 101050 258 2993 SUV
X4 (F26) xDrive 35 d 04.2014 - 03.2018 101051 313 2993 SUV
X4 (F26) xDrive 35 i 04.2014 - 03.2018 101048 306 2979 SUV
X5 (E70) 3.0 d 12.2006 - 09.2008 23282 235 2993 SUV
X5 (E70) 3.0 sd 10.2007 - 09.2008 25498 286 2993 SUV
X5 (E70) 3.0 si 10.2006 - 09.2008 23280 272 2996 SUV
X5 (E70) 4.8 i xDrive 10.2006 - 09.2008 23281 355 4799 SUV
X5 (E70) M 07.2009 - 07.2013 31960 555 4395 SUV
X5 (E70) xDrive 30 d 04.2010 - 07.2013 1097 245 2993 SUV
X5 (E70) xDrive 35 i 04.2010 - 07.2013 1103 306 2979 SUV
X5 (E70) xDrive 35 i 02.2012 - 06.2013 52207 320 2979 SUV
X5 (E70) xDrive 40 d 09.2010 - 06.2013 1098 306 2993 SUV
X5 (E70) xDrive 50 i 04.2010 - 07.2013 8292 408 4395 SUV
X6 (E71, E72) ActiveHybrid 01.2009 - 10.2011 5756 485 4395 SUV
X6 (E71, E72) M 07.2009 - 07.2014 31961 555 4395 SUV
X6 (E71, E72) M 50 d 08.2011 - 06.2014 55986 381 2993 SUV
X6 (E71, E72) xDrive 30 d 04.2010 - 07.2014 9946 211 2993 SUV
X6 (E71, E72) xDrive 30 d 04.2008 - 03.2010 31006 235 2993 SUV
X6 (E71, E72) xDrive 30 d 04.2010 - 07.2014 1108 245 2993 SUV
X6 (E71, E72) xDrive 35 i 01.2008 - 07.2014 31004 306 2979 SUV
X6 (E71, E72) xDrive 40 d 07.2009 - 06.2014 1169 306 2993 SUV
X6 (E71, E72) xDrive 50 i 07.2008 - 07.2014 31005 408 4395 SUV
Z4 Roadster (E89) sDrive 18 i 04.2013 - 08.2016 58751 156 1997 Convertible
Z4 Roadster (E89) sDrive 20 i 09.2011 - 08.2016 11889 184 1997 Convertible
Z4 Roadster (E89) sDrive 23 i 03.2009 - 08.2011 31016 204 2497 Convertible
Z4 Roadster (E89) sDrive 28 i 09.2011 - 08.2016 11890 245 1997 Convertible
Z4 Roadster (E89) sDrive 30 i 02.2009 - 08.2011 31018 258 2996 Convertible
Z4 Roadster (E89) sDrive 35 i 02.2009 - 08.2016 31019 306 2979 Convertible
Z4 Roadster (E89) sDrive 35 is 03.2010 - 08.2016 34986 340 2979 Convertible
About The Manufacturer
After the company was founded in 1844, the first few decades in the history of febi bilstein were marked by trade in procured and custom-made metal products.
Payment & Security
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.
Refund Policy
WHAT can be returned?
Any product may be returned for a refund, store credit or replacement with the exception of all electrical products.
If you wish to return a product that does not fit your vehicle and you feel that there is an error in our listing, please contact our Customer Service Department to obtain an RMA number. We will investigate the cause of the fitment problem and will make any corrections that are needed. In the event that we find an error on our website or on behalf of a V1 employee, we will provide a label for your return. All products must be new, unused and must be in the original packaging, including labeling, manuals, hardware etc.
Replacement orders will be shipped only to the address used on the original order. Shipping Charges are non-refundable.
Customers are responsible for checking the product is suitable for their vehicle by either supplying the complete and correct VIN so that we may confirm the fitment or if they do not wish to supply the VIN, they must advise us of this so as to not hold up your order. Please note that it becomes the responsibility of the customer to pay the return costs of the product if it is found to be incorrect without supplying the VIN.
WHEN do items need to be returned by?
V1 VEHICLE PARTS LIMITED will accept returns for unused products that are normally stocked within 30 days from the time that the order was shipped. The refund is to the original payment method used. The customer is responsible for the return shipping costs and fees. All new/unused products must be new, unused and must be in the original packaging, including labeling, manuals, hardware etc. A restocking fee of 20% may be applied to any returned item that is not regularly stocked, or any order returned after 30 days.
Please contact our Customer Service Department to request an RMA number. Returns on non-stocking items are subject to a restocking fee of 20%.
WHERE do items need to be returned to?
Please return to;
P.O. Box 407
Silverdale, 0944
HOW do customers return items?
What type of return will you be making?
- New or Unused Product (RMA is required)
- Application or Product Fitment Error (RMA is required)
- Product Warranty (RMA is required)
Please print and complete the RMA form in its entirety and ensure that the form is legible.
Please ensure that the RMA is included with your return and please write the RMA number on the outside of the package.
Please ensure that the contents is sufficiently packed in order to avoid damage.
Please ensure that you have tracking details for your return.
SHIPPING for returns?
Unless the error is ours, original shipping costs are non-refundable and the buyer is responsible for return shipping charges.
CREDIT for returns?
Refunds will be processed to the original payment method used or to an in store credit.
Packing materials?
All products must be new, unused, undamaged and must be in the original packaging, including labeling, manuals, hardware etc.